Sunday, October 25, 2009

self sabotage :s

Isn't it funny how u can be going so well, proud of urself, content with ur progress, then BANG....U sabotage urself!!! After cracking my 20 kilo goal, i seem to have subconsciously started to sabotage myself, eating crap late at night and just making bad decisions when it comes to food! Grrrrr. Its like u see how well u are going then freak out and start going backwards.

Has anyone else experienced this???

I think alot of it has to do with stress, and the fact that it is scary and exciting and daunting to lose weight and see ur body and spirit change and grow, its all new, especially if u have never been thin in ur whole life, its all new and unknown. So i think i just need to breathe and re-boot LOL. No more emotional eating (will try anyways).

So i finally had something stuck, choccy cake, must have been a sign not to eat it! LOL...God damn it hurt, i haven't PB'd anything since i got my Pammy, but the other night i had the munchies so attempted some choccy cake, must have not chewed enough and it got very stuck, wouldn't go down and wouldn't come up, even tried to bring it up but nothing budged. Hoping that doesn't happen again anytime soon, not pleasant.

Bloody fluid retention is playing havoc with my Pammy at the moment, making me bloated and craving anything sweet!!! Im thinking i may be due for a small fill, i just feel my portions may be a little big at times and that im more hungry in between meals, so i think i shall say Fill Me Up Buttercup hehe ;)

Narrowed down the Port pain i was having to lifting, seems whenever i lift anything reasonably heavy or push against something i end up tender around my port site, so im glad i know what it is and i feel a bit more cautious now.

Im at work and am bored to tears, in the TAB, 2 customers and 5.5hrs to go :s JOY! LOL...
Well im off for now, not much to tell.
Why is everyone so damn quiet on here lately? :p Lol.


Roo said...

I self sabotage around this kilo mark (see my last post!). I am .5 kilos off my 20 goal and in the past have never gotten past 20, it is my mental hurdle. I am scared that when I do reach the 20 I will feel exactly how you do...but I am determined to work through's definitely a head thing!
You can work through this...look how far you have come....good luck

Angi said...

Self sabotage sucks, but luckily you have your band, so it can only mess you up so far, if you pay attention to the rules most of the time. The things I do when I feel like I'm eating too much are eating more chicken breast, and drinking more water. The water will help with the fluid retention, and keep you fuller longer, and the chicken is low calorie, high protein filler. Eat that first and you'll be less likely to snack on other junk. Even if you're eating Chicken nuggets!! (Not the best thing, but good in a pinch)

Unknown said...

Well I am in the same boat! I was sailing along just beautifully and something was said to me and the switch was turned off. I let it happen though.. So I recognized what I had done and have been working on getting my momentum back. I know what I am doing at the moment I am doing it but can't seem to stop... but we have to admit when we do try and binge like the old days, we just can't! Just keep your mind going in a upward motion and don't let anything or anyone pull you down!