Sunday, March 15, 2009


This truly is MY YEAR!!!
March 10th i had my consult with Dr Munro and i got my BAND Date!!! It's such an incredible feeling...Now Finally i have something to look forward to...The start of a new life, a new me, a happier, healthier, more confident me!!! I can't believe on TUES AUGUST 4TH, my life and the person iam now as i know it will cease to exist, i will start my journey on the path to happiness, with myself, my body, my mind and my life... No more feeling down, ugly unattractive and unworthy and just existing...ITS ON!!!! Time to LIVE!!!
And i couldn't be happier :> :> :>
I have been on a high for the past few days, words cannot begin to describe what i'am feeling, thinking, dreaming......And in just a few months my dreams, hopes, will all be reality!
I got sooo nervous booking the date for my Surgery, it was all finally real, happening, coming true.....I even got to choose my Band date, which was a pleasant surprise :)
Not such a pleasant surprise was jumping on the scales to see i weigh nearly 137kg :o and my BMI was like 44 or 45, I'm nearly HALF FAT scary, was a bit of an eye opener and more of a reason to do this!!!
What was funny was that poor Dr Munro barely had time to utter the words that if i wanted to think about it before i made a decision....before i interrupted and said I have thought about it and I KNOW I WANT THE SURGERY!!! Its the right and only decision for me!
I'm sooo excited and can't wait for August 4th...The "fun" part will be getting through the Opti Yuk stage!!! Am a little worried how i will go with that, cause iv never been able to stick with shake diets before but I'm sure i will be able to do it because of whats to follow! Fingers crossed.
I have settled into my new home surprisingly well, feel like i fit here, like its meant to be...Its awesome to have ur own home, and i actually enjoy cleaning LMAO (shock horror) hehe...And I'm love love loving swimming in my pool, i have even done a nudie dip hehehe (soon i will be able to call it a "skinny" dip) lol...
As for my food, it has been pretty good, bar the late night nibbles, but I'm kind of being alot better and kinder to myself, drinking plenty of water,swimming heaps , eating less etc.... preparing for my journey......
I'm off to bed soon....just had to share the GREAT news :)


Angi said...

That's wonderful!! Your surgery is on my birthday!! :D Good luck to you!