Thursday, September 24, 2009


So......Fellow Bloggers and Blog Followers, I'm curious...What is the most significant and amazing moment or feeling u have experienced since being Banded??? What has made u smile??? Feel proud, or excited???

For me, on this new journey I'm on, it has been feeling better about myself, having a sense of worth, achievement, pride and respect within myself and my body. And the new found ability to hold my head high, put my shoulders back and strut hahaha (kidding) but i do feel myself walking taller and with a bit more of a sway in my hips :)

Good times!!! :)

I'm also getting to listen to my body more, when I'm hungry, when I'm full and when I'm just wanting to eat for emotional comfort...Big step for me!

Going out now is also alot more fun, dancing more, and just being more outgoing in general...Plus I'm cheaper to take out for drinks now LOL...Finally I'm a relatively cheap drunk hahaha :o I'm also noticing that i feel so much more comfortable in a room full of people, no more hiding in the corner....Look out world Nikki is in da house!!!!! mwahahahaha ;),

Work tonight stressed me out something shocking, one person doing 5 jobs at once, well trying....very chaotic but i managed, and needed a smoke after lol!!! Damn boss, give me a pay rise LOL!

Got a big weekend and I'm fully booked for once, got my Brother's 40th Saturday and my mates farewell as well, so I'm doing a double "date" hehehe...then got my nieces netball presentation and my nephews soccer presentation on so i will be doing the mad dash in between! God I'm a good Aunty LOL.

I went to my mums house and picked up some of my old clothes, the Pre-Banding ones, as i realised i no longer have any summery clothes that fit...Mum suggested trying some of the clothes i had boxed up and put in the "someday i will fit them again" category. I was very doubtful they would fit, but to my utter surprise, they fit and some were actually loose! :o Great feeling.
I'm sooo excited, I'm now 1kg away from hitting 20kgs lost...Has come off so fast and with relatively no problems.... Had a something get stuck twice now, but it tends to go down after a few minutes, and i know that it has happened simply because i didn't chew enough. It's a good reminder, cause it bloody hurts LOL.
I need to plan my meals, have been eating well, but kinda on the run, which i need to change, sit down and plan what I'm taking to work, cooking for tea etc.
Well time for a cuppa tea and bed.... *Yawn* Night all!