Monday, November 3, 2008

Rollercoaster time....

So, hello to all my readers, or lack there of... i know i write these blogs for me, but it is nice to have some feeback or know that people are interested in reading them. Im just feeling like iam on a rollercoaster lately, my emotions, food habits and mind are all over the place and im feeling quite lost and desperate.... i drove 15mins today to get maccas cause i felt low and didn't really care, but the whole way there i was arguing with myself in my head saying don't do it, u don't need it or want it, but i got it and ate it and continued to feel even worse at my wits end and am wondering if iam going to be a good match with my band when i eventually get it, whether i can work with it or am i going to keep fucking it up!!!??? Im starting to feel im a very weak my decision making,determination and will power anyway.
So iv also had good intentions of going to the gym but haven't got there as yet, but im going to make a real effort to get there next week, iv gotta do it!
Got something to look forward to atleast with the ghost tour coming up... should be a fun, spooky and interesting night...
I need a reading ASAP, might get Biddies mate john to do one for me soon, or organise a reading party...might give me some guidance. I think i also need some healing done, got alot of old issues from the past lingering around me and need to let them go to move forward.
Got a wedding friday and got my lovely dress to wear, so hoping i feel really good in it when i wear it...nice to find clothes that u feel good in, makes a difference...
So thats all i have to say really, just venting the thoughts in my head, sometimes it helps!


Melanie said...

Hey, we all have those type of moments. Sometimes you've just gotta do the maccas or whatever and move on. Don't be too hard on yourself.Hope you post some lovely pics in your new dress. Mel

Unknown said...

You just had a loss of a friend sweetheart. Its normal to feel low. Lemme know if you wanna organise the party, I'll come!! It'll be great!
You will be a good candidate for the band. It'll all work itself out when you have it, it did for me!

oozyxena said...

I really feel for you at the moment, it's awful to feel this way, things will get better, you have come this far,whats great about being on here is we all have this problem in common and we all feel down from time to time, I did not long ago it's on my blog. you are a strong person I see that from your blog and how well you have done, you ARE amazing!!! Don't beat yourself up about one or two slip-ups, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry on the wonderfull way you have been xxx
I Love to read your blogs!!!
Zena xx

Caz said...

Hey I would love you to join our new group we are starting..