Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Its The Final Countdown....

So i came to realise yesterday that is 'officially' 10 days till my 8days till my birthday, 1 month til my consult with Dr Munro, and 2weeks til we get the keys to our new home!!!! OMG, YAY, its all happening! :) I haven't even started packing, eeeek, lol, suppose i should get my ass in gear.
So i have thought a little more about going PPT at work, just for consistant hours and more security, think i will write my letter today. Its a drop in money but atleast i get paid hols. sick days etc, and i will need em with my upcoming surgery!
I can't believe how our of control my eating habits have been...its bad bad BAD!!! Im snacking late at night, eating crap all day, FUCK, i need to wake up and snap out of it, what am i doing?! I know i shouldn't but when the food is there i just consume everything....its quite disgusting!!! I had lost 3kgs, when my dog went missing, but i weighed and have put almost 2 back on!!!! Hoping i can work with the Band and not sabotage myself as i always seem to do! I definately need to work on my mind issues with food before i get my Band, i think that lapbandforthemind site is good, but way to expensive to get the help we all so greatly need, there doesn't seem to be much support for the emotional/psychological side of the Band either, from what i can see!
On the bright side of things, my girl Marley is doing great, took her for check up to the vets yesterday, she has also put on some weight, lol, but she needed to, and vet said she seems in good health, soo iam happy, she has been through alot!
I'am having bad body issues lately though, nothing fits me, i hate looking at myself and feel like an elephant, keep getting asked by my mates n my man to go to the beach for a swim, but never do, i always make excuses, to hot, no swimmers, periods, and plenty more, i WILL NOT swim in Public, especially at the beach with little skinny bimbos in their bikinis and me the whale ummm no... can u tell im jealous lmao!?
Im bored, and broke, hmmm not a good combo...
Im out....


Unknown said...

I sooooooo get the beach thing. Hence not having been for 6 years. You know the only person who is missing out is you??!!?? So- I'm going this weekend. Do it, you'll be so proud of urself!