Monday, February 16, 2009


So, i finally pulled my head out of my ass and stopped feeling sorry for myself and beating myself up! And thanku for the kind and motivating comments :) they really helped! I now realise i'am who i'am, i will always be me, but soon enough i will be a smaller, healthier, happier me! And that in itself is something to look forward to... Am going to start walking with my dogs, i have 2 and they can be hard to walk together sometimes, so i think i will walk each of them at different times, therefore i will get 2 walks in a day... When this rain stops!!! Im sending my vibes for it to go to VIC, they REALLY need it!!! Might even try to get my man to walk with me, and i will get my mate Bridgy to walk with me, we have been trying to get it happenig for ages....
Also i think setting some ME TIME aside every week will be helpful, i have really been neglecting myself lately, with all the Marley dramas, moving house, work, life in general...And i deserve to have that time, even if its only 30mins....i must do it! Also found my Oxycise Videos, it is such a good workout and because it works on your breathing,muscles and circulation, you feel invigorated and energised after it, and the best thing is you lose centimetres :)
As for my food, i need to think before i grab the closest thing and devour it! Been a daily ritual lately.
My mum just rang me in tears! She drove back to sydney to work, (she is a live-in Carer) and they told her that they were going to fire her or she could resign!!! After nearly 6yrs they do that to her, all because a agency nurse put in false claims about my mum being rude to her!!! Thats all it is over!!! They gave her garbage bags to pack her stuff in, and escorted her off the premises! Im sooo fucking mad for her!!! Correct me if im wrong but i thought you had to get 3 written warning letters before they could do this??? Mum chose to resign only because she didn't want that on her record (which they told her wouldn't look good) and they pressured her to do so! Am going to ring Industrial Relations now and see where she stands, she didn't put anything in writing and neither did they so it seems dodgy to me! I feel for her so much, she was sooo upset and hurt, she is 59 and works so hard and they shit on her like this, she has NEVER been fired from a job in her life! And ontop of that she has a mortgage and now we are moving out!!! But we will do our best to help her! Anyone who has any ideas, ec would be appreciated. It is a private property for a high profile person, so not sure if IR will step in!?
Gotta go, im on a mission...