Monday, February 2, 2009

What A Week!!!

WOW....i know i haven't blogged in a while but i just couldn't bring myself to do head was in a mess... And iv been searching....
On Sunday 25th of Jan, my 3 yr old Labradoodle Marley got out, because of the fireworks. We looked for her that night til 4am, and continued for the next 8 days... I got help from family, Vets, Pounds, Newspapers, School kids, Passers by, and even our own Dogwash lady Candice ( a real sweeti), but no friends bothered to help(really pissed me off) but we had no luck finding her. The more days that passed the more desperate and hopeless we all became... Til Yesterday!!!
An amazing and kind man (Angel) called to say he thought he had found her up the beach and to get there fast as she couldn't walk...i think i broke all speed limits getting to her, my mum and i couldn't get up the beach fast enough, i was secretly thinking in the back of my mind that it couldn't possibly be Marley, but it was! She was barely recognisable, sooo skinny, dirty, frightened and exhausted, a mere shadow of our baby girl.... I couldn't believe he had found her, rescued her, SAVED her!!! And he was the same man mum n i had stopped and asked to keep an eye out for her and given him our numbers a week ago... Ironic.
Turns out she was wedged in a crevace 2 stories high, on a cliff face, for atleast 6days... Dave (Angel) said he fishes there everyday and seen sand coming down the cliff for a week, but thought it was erosion, it was actually Marley digging her way out...He said he then seen 4 guys laughing and walking away and they asked him if it was his dog, he went and looked and called her name, it was her, she only just had her head above the water and when the tide came in she wouldv drowned! He had to carry her across 50m of rocks to get her to the beach. I can't believe there are such beautiful kind people still left in the world... the other guys who seen her were going to leave her there!!! BASTARDS! He has a bad back and carried her atleast 500m from the beach to our car!
When we told him we would drop the reward in after she had been taken to the vets, he said " No, u put that towards getting her better" how amazing is that! She is still in the vets on a drip, slowly starting to eat, and when we went in today she was a little brighter and i got a tail wag, so good sign... She is one strong, determined and lucky dog... how she got there is a mystery, and a miracle she survived there for so long with no food or water!! And so very fortunate that a Angel was nearby!
Am sooo happy, elated and thankful that she is found and ok (or atleast she will be) :) We have our baby back... will know at 5pm today if she can come home :> Can't wait!
So a fantastic end to a long, stressful and somber week...
Will post some pics soon, of Our lil Surviver, House, etc...


Melanie said...

Wow what a tale - I'd ring the local paper or today Tonight with that story (they'd love it) - it's a great way to publicly thank the rescuer too. Hope it all turns out well and puppy doens't have any long lasting effects from the traumas.