Monday, September 15, 2008

feeling liberated...

Well today i woke up feeling liberated and oddly positive...strange for me. Iv decided to not weigh myself til October 31st...halloween hehehe, just to give myself a break from the love hate relationship i have going on with my going to knuckle down and drink plenty of water, start walking again now my ankle is better and watching my food intake, cut down portion sizes, sugars and fats and just try to love me more and treat my body with RESPECT!!!
Am just hoping to be more AWARE of what i'am doing to myself and more importantly for myself...
So thats what i'am thinking at the moment.
Im also going to try to stop thinking and worrying what people think of me, i do that way too much! And in the end what really matters is what I think of ME,because i'am going to be with myself for a long time,lol... My partner continues to make me feel so special and loved, he is always telling me how much he loves me and how beautiful i'am, i just need to start believing him and feeling it and i know with time i will believe that, as i feel better in myself.
I have been reading heaps of stories on other peoples journey with their band and am finding out that alot of people are simply relying on the band to do all the work for them, still eating junk food and wondering why they aren't just goes to show that it is a bit of a mind over matter situation and that u have to work on your mind as you lose the weight and work with the band not against it...its great that there are so many forums out there for people to swap and share stories, tips and even recipes (for the mushie stage etc) with each other.
I have also decided that once i'am banded my bands name will be Pammy, ie: Pamela Anderson lol...thought i should give her a name and it was quite fitting i thought. ;)
Well im going to put some music on and dance around the house while i clean,lol,burn some energy and fat...
Good morning, Good afternoon and Good night all ;>,