Sunday, September 28, 2008

its all happening...

Alot has been happening since i last blogged, hence the lack of blogging,lol. Well im almost finished my prac and i have been offered 2 jobs one CAS and one PT looking after a quad locally and iam stoked its a great opportunity, will give me more experience and confidence to do what i love. and i get every 2nd weekend off,yay!!!
Was my mum's Birthday yesterday, took her out for a nice Cafe brekky and got her a 2hr massage,facial,mani and pedi etc, she deserves it. and then had a bbq with the family in the arvo, was a goo day.
Looks like my nan isn't coming home from the nursing home either, all because my pop has money and can't bear to part with it to get the house reno's that nan needs done to get home. She is hating us all for it too, and keeps saying we don't love her and we are putting her in an early grave, it breaks my heart seeing her in there and the care she is getting is so shitty! So the best we can do is try to find her somewhere nicer to stay and keep going to see her everday and trying to keep her spirits up...old age is so sad because u know we all have to get there and u wonder who will look after you and come to see you.
My partner and i have also decided to start walking together and eating more healthily,we need to, and it will give us both more encouragment to do it if we do it together. I have had heartburn for 3days and i dont know why...its driving me insane!
I haven't weighed myself for a week and a half now, am doing good, stopping the obsession thing lol. And have noticed im alot happier not weighing myself everyday.
Am planning to go to Bali next year also, sooo excited, i love Bali, and the people, i could so live there and be happy.
I actually got to go out on friday, it was great to let loose for the night and have a few drinks and dances with friends, i never get to do it, had a ball but payed for it the next day, but was worth it.
So thats been my week, rather eventful and full on but good.
Now im off to do my a good girl....


Melanie said...

That all sounds good - good on you.