Monday, August 3, 2009

Blink & u will miss it....

Well people, i got "the call" today!!! 7:30am at the Hospital tomorrow,OMG, its all soooo REAL now...I have this weird excited,nervous,anxious,happy,relieved, energy running through my veins! :) Plus i think the massage/reiki healing i had done today really helped to relax,centre and ground me, it was Fabulous :> hehe.
So i have my bag packed, my reading and listening material for the hospital and my own pillow to take(i always sleep better with it) LOL. Wasn't sure what to take to wear home, so took a summer dress thing and slippers, or thongs....
Thankyou so very much to everyone with all their supportive comments and words of advice and encouragement, means so much to me!!! :)
I really doubt i will sleep much if at all tonight...But i will try!
I honestly don't have much running through my head at the moment, which is strange for me LOL, i just felt the need to Blog and share what im feeling and to let u all know today is the last day of my life as i know it and tomorrow will be the start of LIFE and my brighter future....My how things will change....for the BETTER!!! :>
Im in my own world at the moment so everyone who is reading, do send me some sexy,happy,skinny well wishes/vibes hehehe ;),
I shall return shortly, with my "Pammy" YAY!!!


Unknown said...

It's all done!!! Can't wait to see you!! Gentle hugs! xoxo