Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Did it!!! hehehe

Iv had a rather eventful day, i did it...I got my nipple pierced today...and it looks FABULOUS hehehe!!! I loved it too...was quick, and very painless, is more tender now that im braless lol and my shirt feels like sandpaper on it haha lmao!!!
Im just proud i did it, was something iv wanted for years and i finally did it :) Im obviously becoming more confident already and it's sooo FANTASTIC!
So i spent a few hours with my mate and her Gf, was fun and just mad to goof around and hang...Oh and i also picked up my engagement ring from the jewellers, it was getting cleaned and inspected for warranty, and looks ohhhh so shiney and new again :) I felt naked without it!
Im also starting to see and look forward to the future more and more especially getting married to my gorgeous Fiance and looking so forward to being a hot bride hehehe ;)
Todays intake....

DAY 11

125ml Berocca
250ml Opti Shake
500ml Water
350ml Boost L/F Smoothie
Approx 1-1/4cup soft Pasta
1/2cup fruit salad & WW ice cream

I know i was bad today, not enough fluids!!! LOL

Im doing some kind of charity rally thing tomorrow with my family, it's like a clue hunt and u go to check points and get points etc, sounds like fun anywho lol...Plus we are locals, got an advantage :),
Ok im off to have a shower and bathe my nipple hehehe and hit the sack for the big day tomorrow!!! ;) I will also remember to pack healthy snacks for myself, BE PREPARED! lol..


Unknown said...

You know that GORGEOUS ring of yours will need resizing!!!!
As for the nipple.... good work at doing something you've always wanted to do! I love band moments!
Have you written a life list?